V7 - Marshall Islands (2025)

CQ Zone: 31 ITU Zone: 65 IOTA: OC-029 Grid: RJ57 Continent: OC


The Republic of the Marshall Islands is a sovereign nation in the central Pacific Ocean, renowned for its rich maritime heritage, scattered atolls, and historical significance. Comprising over 1,200 islands and islets, the Marshall Islands is spread across two parallel chains of coral atolls, showcasing breathtaking lagoons and diverse marine life.

With a population of around 58,000, the nation’s residents primarily consist of Marshallese people, who maintain a deep connection to their traditional seafaring culture. Once a site of U.S. nuclear testing, the Marshall Islands has since become a strong advocate for global nuclear disarmament and climate change awareness.

Majuro, the capital, blends modern infrastructure with traditional island life, serving as the political and economic center. The nation’s economy relies on a mix of aid, fishing, and offshore services, while its strategic location in the Pacific ensures its importance in global maritime affairs.

The Republic of the Marshall Islands is dedicated to preserving its environment and cultural heritage, playing an active role in international organizations like the United Nations. Despite challenges from rising sea levels and limited natural resources, the Marshall Islands remains resilient, embodying a unique blend of tradition, history, and oceanic beauty.
[Proudly summarized by ChatGPT]

Most Wanted Ranking

The following table shows the Clublog Most Wanted ranking of the Republic of the Marshall Islands by continent and mode as of July 2024.

Clublog Most Wanted Global EU AF AS OC NA SA
All Modes 965682204183137104
CW 15275104260250198149
SSB 814171231219161105
Data 7544641831669694

Clublog Most Wanted Ranking by continent and mode as of July 2024.

Source: https://clublog.org/mostwanted.php


The team will aim for 60 000+ QSOs in CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 modes.

Over 2000 of these are intended to be in RTTY.

Focus is being laid upon the latest Clublog Most Wanted Ranking. Various parts of the world will profit from the operation.

Another priority will be laid upon lowbands operation. The team hopes to profit from the rural QTH and thus the expected lower noise level.

A M/x entry within ARRL CW 2025 contest is planned.

QSO’s will be uploaded to Clublog and LOTW as often as possible, Clublog livestream and daily free of charge LOTW uploads can be expected if the internet connection is stable enough to do so.


The team is always listening UP!

Please avoid calling simplex, thanks for your understanding.

Mode Generally UP
CW 1 – 5 kHz
SSB 5 – 10 kHz
RTTY 1 – 3 kHz
FT8 please see FT8 Guide

The operators will guide you through the pileup, so listen carefully to them.

An intended bandplan will be provided closer to the start of the DXPedition to allow a view on the planned V7 frequencies.

Azimuthal Map

This azimuthal map is centered to V7 – Republic of the Marshall Islands and thus shows its headings.

Please click the map to interact with it.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 YOU MEXICO


Please find information about our planned QTH and Equipment here.


The QTH is located on Majuro Atoll, also known as IOTA OC-029, within the Republic of the Marshall Islands outside of the bigger cities. Thus, there’s hope for quiet bands. Furthermore, the location has direct access to the sea and thus the saltwater. There will be plenty of space available for both TX and RX antennas.

Grid: RJ57



Planned Station Layout of the V7 – Marshall Islands 2025 project.

Layout may be subject to change until the start of DXPedition.


The team intends to use the Clublog Livestream functionality if the internet connection is stable enough to do so.

QSL Service

For QSL management, the team has enlisted the services of Sven Lovric DJ4MX, who will handle all QSL requests through the Clublog OQRS system. He will be supported by the V7 - Marshall Islands Team Members and friends. Upon working the team, operators can expect to receive a daily and free of charge LOTW confirmation depending on internet access. The team is dedicated to providing seamless QSL experience and will make every effort to ensure that all contacts are confirmed in a timely manner.


QSL requests can be made via our QSL Manager (DJ4MX) only. We offer Direct, Bureau and LOTW options. At this stage we have no intention of uploading to EQSL or QRZ.com. Remember, OQRS is the fastest and most efficient way to request and receive your QSL card.

Direct QSL:

  • Clublog OQRS
  • Post Mail: SAE + EUR 2.00 or USD 2.00


Sven Lovric
Kampenwandstr. 13
81671 Muenchen


Daily upload during the DXPedition. (No Cost)

Bureau QSL:

Bureau cards are available for no extra charge.

Not in Log?
Please send an email with your QSO data to info (at) next-generation-dx.com


In case of any occurring questions, please reach out to the team directly at info (at) next-generation-dx.com