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Jamie Williams, M0SDV

Jamie, 24 years old from Staffordshire in England has an extensive history in amateur radio dating back only 9 years to 2015 where he has been involved in contesting and DXpeditioning including with some worldrenowned teams. Jamie started traveling in 2017 where he met Philipp DK6SP in Munich who he would travel the world with for many years to come. Jamie has been QRV with such callsigns as PJ2/MØSDV, PJ4V, 5V7EI, 3B8M, 8R7X and M6T. Jamie was also part of Youth Team #2 at WRTC 2022 in Bologna Italy where he operated as I47B with teammate DK6SP. Jamie is a proficient SSB and CW operator with good experience in pileup management. His favorite mode to operate is CW.