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Tomi Varro, HA8RT

Tomi, aged 26 is originally from Szeged, Hungary. He started amateur radio at 14 years old, after gaining interest in radio waves and communication.

After passing the novice licence, he swiftly learned CW within a year, and has been active on HF since as HA8RT. He joined the contest team of HG6N and has been mentored by experienced radio amateurs like HA6PX, HA8KW, HA3NU and great minds at HG6N such as HA6NY and HA6ND. He enjoys contesting, high speed telegraphy and actively contributing to Youth events both in Hungary and internationally. Nowadays he also visits OH5Z contest station regularly.

He has been part of numerous activations and amateur radio competitions, on 5 continents as of now. Tomi worked from such stations as K3LR, ES9C, OH5Z, DL1A, 9A1A… He took part in WRTC 2018 as Y82D together with Philipp, DK6SP, with whom he has operated together at 8R7X, TK4W, C4HQ, Z66DH too…

Tomi is working as a software engineer in Helsinki (Finland), and he enjoys building new, efficient systems and contributing to knowledge sharing. Besides being a team member, he also supports the “V7 - Marshall Islands 2025” project by building this site, having plans for adding blog posts about the team’s experience in the previous 8R7X and the future DXPeditions, and involving more youth operators into our initiative.